Last Wednesday and Thursday, March 24th and 25th, elections to the Student Council 2021-2022 took place. Students voted between candidate lists in their School of study and council representatives were given seats according to the proportion of votes.
The Student Council consists of 17 representatives and as the system is today, there are 3 representatives from each School, except for 5 representatives from the School of Social Sciences. Röskva, association of socially minded students at the University of Iceland, received a total of 16 elected representatives, while Vaka, a student interest association, received 1 representative.
The election took place on Uglan and the turnout was 26.46%. Further figures are expected at the end of the week, but here you can see how the representatives are arranged:
School of Social Sciences:
1. Rebekka Karlsdóttir (Röskva)
2. Erna Lea Bergsteinsdóttir (Röskva)
3. Stefán Kári Ottósson (Röskva)
4. Ellen Geirsdóttir Håkansson (Vaka)
5. Kjartan Ragnarsson (Röskva)
School of Health Sciences:
1. Ingunn Rós Kristjánsdóttir (Röskva)
2. Margrét Jóhannesdóttir (Röskva)
3. Kristján Guðmundsson (Röskva)
School of Humanities:
1. Jóna Gréta Hilmarsdóttir (Röskva)
2. Anna María Björnsdóttir (Röskva)
3. Sigurður Karl Pétursson (Röskva)
School of Education:
1. Rósa Halldórsdóttir (Röskva)
2. Rannveig Klara Guðmundsdóttir (Röskva)
3. Erlingur Sigvaldason (Röskva)
School Engineering and Natural Sciences:
1. Ingvar Þóroddsson (Röskva)
2. Inga Huld Ármann (Röskva)
3. Helena Gylfadóttir (Röskva)
The Office of the Student Council sincerely congratulates the newly elected student council members on their election and wishes them good luck in their work.