Ticket sales for the Annual Festival

We proudly present SHÍ’s Annual Festival which will be celebrated on February 21st, 2025 at Hlíðarendi and the theme is Premier. The house opens at 18:00 and the dinner starts at 18:30. The ball starts at 21:30 and ends at 01:00.

Ticket sales for the ball take place in the Aur app and at the Student Council’s office on the 3rd floor at Háskólatorg:

Ball = 6,990

Note: registration for dining is done through the student organizations. Tickets are paid for at the Student Council’s office on the 3rd floor at Háskólatorg.

Table service + Ball = 9,990

Frequently asked questions

Why can’t I find the ticket sales in the Aur-app?

You can find the ticket sales in the so-called Klink in the Aur-app. In order for the ticket sales to appear, you need to have an electronic student ID. If you have a “kennitala” you can apply for it here: Nemendaskírteini – Note that it may take some time for the student card to appear in Aur. If you don’t have a “kennitala” you can buy the ticket at the Student Council’s office on the 3rd floor at Háskólatorg.

What is the cost for the annual celebration?

The ticket price for the ball is 6,990 ISK. A ticket for the dinner and dance costs 9,990 ISK.

Can I buy a ticket just for the dinner?

No, unfortunately not. We are doing our best to keep ticket prices low, and unfortunately, there is no room for purchasing just a ticket for the dinner.”

I bought a ticket but can’t attend – can I get a refund?
Unfortunately, refunds are not possible, but you can forward your ticket to anyone via the Aur app.
I applied for an electronic student ID but don’t see it in the Aur app – what can I do?

It may take two to three days for the student ID to appear. If more time has passed, you can try reapplying for the ID. It’s important to make sure all the information is correct, such as your ID number and your university email address.

Meeting Notice – 6th Meeting of the Student Council

Meeting Notice – 6th Meeting of the Student Council

The Student Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 5:00 PM in room N-132, Askja.

According to Article 9 of the Student Council’s bylaws, council meetings are open to all University of Iceland students. These meetings will be advertised among students, and all interested are welcome to attend.

Please contact the Student Council office at +354 570-0850 or by email at shi@hi.is if you have any questions regarding the meeting or its agenda. Students are also welcome to reach out to the office with questions about their rights.


  1. Meeting called to order
    5:00 PM
  2. Review of ongoing issues
    Visit from Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector
    5:00–5:10 PM
  3. Approval of the minutes from November 12, 2024
    5:10–5:15 PM
  4. Introduction of the new SHÍ representative
    5:15–5:30 PM
  5. Proposal for the Student Council to join Festa, the Center for Sustainability
    Presenter: Arent Orri J. Claessen
    5:30–5:40 PM
  6. Intermission
    5:40–5:50 PM
  7. Proposal for the installation of “nests” at the university campus (spaces for students with children)
    Presenter: Katla Ólafsdóttir, Leader of Röskva and Student Council Member
    5:50–6:00 PM
  8. Proposal for a resolution demanding improved options for distance learning
    Presenter: Gunnar Ásgrímsson, President of the School Council for the School of Education
    6:00–6:10 PM
  9. Proposed amendments to the bylaws from the Bylaws Committee
    Presenter: Arent Orri J. Claessen
    6:10–6:40 PM
  10. Recorded matters and announcements
    • Confirmation of the election of Diljá Valsdóttir to the School Council of Humanities
    • Confirmation of the new observer in the Safety Committee: Dagmar Ísleifsdóttir
    • Confirmation of nominations from Röskva and Vaka to the Election Committee
      6:40–6:50 PM
  11. Other matters
    6:50–7:00 PM