The Student Council challenges the government to fully fund the subsidy for psychological services

The pandemic has weighed heavily on students and it is understandably difficult for many to study free from worry. Learning difficulties may increase and students’ mental health may take a hit. The results of the Student Council’s survey from the 9th – 16th of October were an indication that 67% of students do not feel well in the situation due to the pandemic and 72% of them were experiencing a lot of stress that they thought would affect their academic progress. The results of the Council’s first survey from 22nd of March showed that 54% of Icelandic students felt that they experienced a great deal of stress, as did 42% of international students, and 53.1% said that this would have an impact on academic progress.

It is therefore clear that the situation has been difficult, persistent and even worsening. Since September, waiting lists for psychological services at the University of Iceland have been increasing considerably compared to other years. The demand has been enormous throughout the fall semester and beyond the ability to meet it. Due to this, it is not possible to accept more requests for individual interviews with the school’s psychologists, which are three.

The number of students at the University has increased by over 2,000 this semester and students are now 15,000, which is a record number. The numbers are growing rapidly, the University has received twice as many applications for next spring. It must be possible to service this large number, and the government’s involvement is a key factor, with secure funding that is conducive to strengthening the University’s services permanently.

The Student Council has advocated for improved mental health services throughout the epidemic and urged the government to consider carefully the welfare of students. In its capacity, the Council has had five surveys that shed light on the position of students and strengthen its advocacy. It is therefore very disappointing that students are still excluded and that it does not look like there will be any emphasis on providing students, and all people, with acceptable and important mental health services, which may never have been as necessary as they are right now. It is completely unacceptable and the Student Council hereby challenges the government to keep its promises.

Lets sign the petition!

Student Council meeting December 16th 2020

Dear students

The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on Teams at 5:00 p.m. on the 25th of November. If a student wishes to attend the meeting, a request needs to be sent to
According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

The agenda can be found here.

The meeting will be in Icelandic.
Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have questions regarding the meeting agenda. All students are welcome to contact us at 570-0850 or with inquiries about the Student Council and its meetings. The Student Council also answers questions on student rights, social life and more.

Applications for the 2nd allocation of the Student fund

Good afternoon,

We have not opened for applications for the second allocation of the Student fund. You can apply by clicking here. We encourage you to follow the instructions in the application form as well as you can. Failure to meet the requirements of the application can result in the application being turned away.

Before you apply, it is recommended that you read the laws of the fund and code of practice which can be found here, below the Icelandic version, as well as on the Student Council’s website.

Any questions can be directed to Haukur Friðriksson, the fund’s President. He can be reached by email at

The Student Council’s birthday celebration

The Student Council of the University of Iceland invites to a celebration on the occasion of the council’s centenary. The celebration will take place on December 4th in the Celebration Hall of the University of Iceland’s Main Building, but due to the social situation, there will be a stream from there at 18:00 for guests at home.

The anniversary marks a major turning point in the student interest movement, which has left its mark on society as a whole since the students first went to the polls in December of 1920. This fact encourages the Council as well as students to do well and continue our advocacy. The Student Council is currently working on a documentary on the history of the council in collaboration with the University of Iceland, RÚV and Landsbankinn, and the trailer will premiere at the festival.

Guests of honor are Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, who opens the festival, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister, and Lilja D. Alfreðsdóttir, Minister of Education, Science and Culture. Isabel Alejandra Díaz, President of the Student Council, and Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, will also address guests. GDRN will take the stage and Vigdís Hafliðadóttir, a former Student Council member, will perform.

The Student Council is very much looking forward to celebrating the history of the Council on its birthday and hopes that students and others will unite in the celebration.

The stream is accessible here and The University of Iceland’s coverage of the centenary can be found here.

100 years of The Student Council

A document series on the Student Council.

The Student Council of the University of Iceland will, in collaboration with Landsbankinn, the University of Iceland and RÚV, publish a short documentary series on the occasion of the centenary. The topics will be the students’ interest struggle while tracking the history of the Student Council. Ingileif Friðriksdóttir is the host of the show. Interviewees will be all kinds of people who have been involved in the work of the Student Council in one way or another over the years and set their mark on the interests battle.


The episodes will be shown on RÚV and we will publish the dates as soon as possible. A clip from the episodes will be premiered at the Student Council’s birthday party on December the 4th. The festival starts at 18:00 and there is a link to the stream here:

The Student Council on the news

Emily Reise, International Representative of the Student Council, was on RÚV’s evening news recently.

There she talks about the crisis that for foreign students at the University of Iceland are facing now. She says it is clear that the main concern is due to the uncertainty caused by the development of the epidemic and that the school authorities have to listen and show flexibility in connection with exams. Armando Garcia, a graduate student in education, also shares his experience. Emily has been very active in her work, ready to help and look for ways to maintain the social aspect through all kinds of electronic events. However, students need support from the university and the government as well, and they are shown understanding.

Link here: interview with Emily starts at 13:20