Announcement from the electoral commission

At the beginning of the ongoing elections to the Student Council and the University Council some students encountered problems when confirming their votes with their Ugla passwords.

Because of said problem, the electoral commission and the Division of Information Technology of the University of Iceland jointly decided to remove this requirement for the remainder of these elections.

Therefore, students have to log in to Ugla with their passwords but no password confirmation is required when casting your vote.

If students are still having problems regarding confirmations of their vote, the electoral commission would recommend to refresh their browser or, if that does not work, log out of Ugla and log in again.

If any more problems occur while voting, please contact the election commission through

Student Council Meeting on March 5th 2024

Agenda Student Council Meeting on March 5th 2024 in room H-101 in Stakkahlíð.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council. Please note that the meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05 
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on December 13th 17:05-17:10
  3. Announcements and issues ahead 17:10-17:20 
  4. Presentation on transportation and parking from the department of operation and researches – Kristinn Jóhannesson 17:20-17:40 
  5. A proposal for SHÍ to advocate for the adoption of “choice B” in parking matters (Vote) 17:40-17:50  
  6. Legislative changes (Vote) 17:50-18:10
  7. SHÍ’s statement regarding the change in the government’s financial contribution to universities in Iceland (Vote) 18:10-18:20 
  8. Proposal for freege (Vote) 18:20-18:30
    Intermission 18:30-18:40
  9. Proposal that SHÍ withdraw burdensome operational requirements on FS in light of Háma’s financial situation (Vote) 18:40-18:50
  10. Proposal for observer representatives of all political student unions in the board of FS (Vote) 18:50-19:00
  11. Proposal for better facilities for student associations at FVS (Vote) 19:00-19:10
  12. Proposal for access to UI (Vote) 19:10-19:20
  13. Proposal for renovation of facilities in Oddi (Vote) 19:20-19:30
  14. Proposal for makeup exams in the School of Health sience (Vote) 19:30-19:40
  15. Other issues
  16. Meeting ends 19:40

Workshop: Understanding the Challenges of International Students

The International Committee hosted a workshop on the challenges of international students on February 12th, 2024 during the EU Equality Days. The workshop focused on challenges faced by international students in Iceland, and how to improve these challenges in order to ensure equality.


The workshop had a total of 15 participants who were asked to discuss issues they have encountered at the university or as a part of student life.  A vast number of issues were discussed and will lead the way forward for the International Committee during the remainder of the year as well as for future committee members alike. 


The most discussed issues were issues with immigration, highlighting the difficulty of applying for residence and work permits as well as the yearly renewal process required for most permits. This is in line with the current work of the Committee to uncover experiences of international students from outside EU/EEA with applying for work permits in Iceland. The Committee plans on publishing a summary of their findings regarding this and recommendations to the Icelandic government in the hope to provoke systemic change. 


Other key areas were a general lack of information about university services and life in Iceland, Icelandic authourities, etc. There was also a general consensus that more and better resources are needed for career and guidance counseling, specifically targeted towards international students. 


The International Committee wants to thank all the participants in the workshop and encourage all UI international students to reach out to us with issues you would like us to consider. 

Bad student loans are a political decision

In 2020, a new law was passed in Alþingi, which repealed the old Icelandic Students’ Loan Fund (LÍN) and established a new system, the Students’ Fund (MSNM). It was decided that the law would be revised after the fall session of 2023, and that work is now in full swing.


A report prepared by the Ministry of Higher Education has been published on the assessment of the revision of the law on MSNM. Listed here below are the points that the Student Council of the University of Iceland (SHÍ) considers necessary to change at the 2024 spring session in order to take a real step towards improving student conditions.


Most students are familiar with the idea of wanting to avoid student loans if possible, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The goal of student loans is to ensure equal access to education. The government can easily create a system where student loans are not dreadful.

Lower interest rate ceiling

Interest rates on loans provided by MSNM can now reach a maximum of 4% for indexed loans and 9% for non-indexed loans.



For the longest time, government support for students consisted of providing loans with low interest rates. This is what separated student loans from other loans and made student loans offer the best terms.



With the 2020 law, a 30% cancellation of the principal amount was added, but the interest rates increased enormously as a result. This did not include a real increase in funding for students in Iceland. In fact, the report published by the Ministry of Higher Education in 2023 states that in many cases the new law provides worse conditions than the old system.



In Iceland, there is a very fluctuating interest rate environment, which means that those who take out student loans have no idea of the interest they will end up paying on the loans. The interest rate eats up the cancellation, so the government’s grant is significantly reduced. This uncertainty must be limited. 



In the report on the revision of the MSNM Act, the Ministry of Finance and Economy has pointed out that there is a need to reduce the interest rate risk of students after completing their studies. Also, the executive director of MSNM has considered whether there may be a reason to lower the interest rate ceiling in a message to the Ministry of Higher Education, Industry and Innovation, as high interest rates on student loans reduce the incentive to seek support from the state in order to study and even have a direct deterrent effect.



When the student loan system was being changed, there was no interest rate ceiling to begin with. It wasn’t until the students pointed out that it was unacceptable in such an irregular interest rate environment. This is one example of how important it is for the government to listen to students’ suggestions because we are the group that uses the student loan system.



From the beginning, students have strongly objected to the interest surcharges on student loans. The Icelandic government managed to cover student loan defaults for approx. 70 years until the new law on MSNM took effect. It is the government’s political decision to pass it on to the students. The interest surcharges increases students’ risk, as the Ministry of Finance and Economy has pointed out. It is simply not justified for the government to make students bear the costs of other borrowers’ defaults. 

Offer a 40% discount after each semester

Right now, you can get a 30% cancellation on your student loan principal amount if you graduate on time. The Student Council proposes that the grant be increased from 30% to 40% following the Norwegian model. In Norway, a grant is awarded in the form of a 25% cancellation of the loan principal amount at the end of each term. However, the grant is only available for the credits that have been completed, and it therefore creates an incentive to complete studies. In addition, a 15% cancellation is granted at the end of studies in Norway. 



In the current system, a student cannot know for sure whether they will receive a 30% cancellation until after their studies. Such uncertainty is both repulsive, stressful and discouraging from university studies. If the borrower does not meet the conditions regarding educational progress in order to receive a cancellation of the principal amount, the repayment terms are in most cases as bad as for apartment loans. 



Due to the uncertainty of growth and possible cancellations, it may sound more sensible for students to work alongside school, despite the fact that it can adversely affect academic performance, learning speed and mental health, to name a few.



If part of the cancellation were to be received monthly, students could see the scholarship even. Then there would also be less risk if something happened that would cause you to have to delay your studies.



Family members, students with learning disabilities or a mother tongue other than Icelandic are more likely to have to postpone their studies or take a study break for some reason. In the current system, people belonging to these groups are therefore less likely to benefit from scholarships from the state. Where is the equality in that?



With a 40% reduction, the state would be providing a higher subsidy to students. University education thus becomes a better option for students, a more diverse group has access to education that only has a positive effect on Icelandic society and the Icelandic economy.

Loan per credit


In Iceland, students must be enrolled in at least 22 credits to qualify for a student loan. If a student fails the assessment in all 22 units, they must repay the entire loan immediately.


In Norway, there are neither time limits nor requirements for the minimum number of credits per semester to qualify for a 25% cancellation of the principal amount. The cancellation is only available for completed units, but borrowers will nevertheless receive a loan for all units taken, regardless of academic performance.



Different programs suit different people. Students are diverse and live in various situations. It is important that the student loan system supports all students without discrimination. The current arrangement excludes those who do not have the opportunity to take more than 22 credits.



If a student fails a 10-credit course, they are no longer entitled to student loans and may have to repay the entire loan for that semester. We propose that loans be provided per unit, allowing students to access loans for the units they take, regardless of whether they fail or pass the assessment.



A student loan system that fails to achieve its goals of providing equal opportunities for learning and facilitating educational progress results in significant costs for the treasury and society. The connection between Iceland’s high employment rate among students and the low progress in university studies is revealing. This leads to high operating costs, which are compounded by the financial and non-financial costs resulting from unequal opportunities for learning and low levels of education. We can no longer afford to have one of the lowest levels of education among OECD countries.


Only part of the student council’s suggestions has been listed here, but the council has issued a clear policy regarding the revision of the law on the Student Education Fund, which can be accessed here.

The Student Fund opens for applications for its 3rd allocation

You can now apply for grants in the third allocation of the Student Fund 2023-2024.


The application form can be found here and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the fund, especially its laws and code of practice before applying. The application deadline is until 12:00pm on Tuesday February 20th 2024. Late applications will automatically be turned away. 

Example of grants you can apply for now; International collaboration or domestic collaboration among university students, Informative and discussion sparking events within the University and Solid grants for all study associations. 

ATTN. subsistence grants and grants for diagnosis will be allocated in the next allocation.


Any questions can be directed to Dagný Þóra Óskarsdóttir, the fund’s chairperson. She can be reached by email at

Student Council Meeting on February 7th 2024

Agenda Student Council Meeting on February 7th 2024 in room HT-104 .

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05 
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on December 13th 17:05-17:10
  3. Announcements and issues ahead 17:10-17:20 
  4. Presentation – Juan Camilo Roman, Project manager of Sprett and multicultural representative of UI 17:20-17:35 
  5. Presentation from the Queer Student Association 17:35-17:50  
  6. Proposal for the appointment of SC’s representatives at the National Assembly of the National Union of Icelandic Students (Vote) 17:50-18:00 
  7. Statement regarding the state of mental health issues within The University of Iceland  (Vote) 18:00-18:10 
    Hlé 18:10-18:20 Intermission
  8. The Student Council’s nomination for Iceland’s Youth Representative to the United Nations (Vote) 18:20-18:30 
  9. Transportation and Environmental Affairs, discussion 18:30-18:40
  10. Proposal for Vending Machines at Háskólartorg  (Vote) 18:40-18:55
  11. Proposal for a child oriented area at Saga  (Vote) 18:55-19:10
  12. Proposal on teaching on site in the School of Education (Vote) 19:10-19:25
  13. Other issues 19:25-19:30
  14. Meeting ends 19:30

SHÍ declares full support for the Palestinian people

The Student Council of the University of Iceland (SHÍ) declares its full support for the Palestinian people and their fight for their right to exist against Israeli colonialism and genocide. Despite the atrocities committed in Israel on October 7, 2023, it does not justify the violation of basic human rights. Immediate humanitarian aid and a ceasefire in Gaza must be guaranteed. You can second the declaration by signing this petition

SHÍ agrees with the declaration of the staff of the University of Iceland and the declaration of the National Association of Icelandic Students that the appeal of Birzeit University must be responded to, as the university community has every obligation to do so and make its voice heard.

SHÍ demands that the University react to Israel’s war crimes with as much determination as it did against Russia in 2022. SHÍ also agrees with the staff of the University of Iceland that academic institutions in Israel and companies that support Israel’s war operations must be boycotted.

The root of the conflict at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea has a long history of the growing illegal occupation of Palestinian land by the Israeli government, as the UN Secretary General points out. Israel’s colonialism and land occupation as well as attacks on Palestinian citizens violate international humanitarian law according to the United Nations and Amnesty International. Israel’s policy of apartheid also violates both the Geneva Convention and international humanitarian law. No state is above international humanitarian law.

It is especially important that educational and scientific institutions make themselves heard when human rights violations are committed and keep the facts in the air, but fake news and propaganda have created a divide in the international community. As stated in a statement from the staff of the University of Iceland, the Western international community has maintained a dominant discourse that dehumanizes the Palestinian people and creates justification for repeated massacres of innocent citizens, including thousands of children. Since university education is an important guide to a more open and just society, the students of the University of Iceland encourage the country’s higher education institutions as well as the academic community as a whole to keep the facts in the air, recognize the historical roots of the attacks and shed light on the power imbalance between the nations.

The academic community must fulfill its academic obligations, rely on facts, stay away from state-sponsored propaganda, and hold those responsible for genocide, as well as those who support it, accountable for their actions.

SHÍ stands with Palestine in the fight for peace and justice. In the same way, SHÍ condems all violence and takes a clear stance against Muslim hatred, anti-Semitism and any kind of violence.

Student Council Meeting on January 15th 2024

Agenda Student Council Meeting on January 15th 2024 in room N-132.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05 
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on December 13th 17:05-17:10
  3. Announcements and issues ahead 17:10-17:20 
  4. Funding of the University of Iceland – Guðmundur Ragnar Jónsson, HÍ´s CEO 17:20-17:45 
  5. Presentation on The Icelandic Student Loan Fund report  – Gísli Laufeyjarson Höskuldsson, Student Loan Representative 17:45-18:00  
  6. Finance of the Student Council 18:00-18:10
    Intermission 18:10-18:20 
  7. Next steps regarding HÍ´s registration fee (vote) 18:20-18:30  
  8. Transportation and Environmental Affairs 18:30-18:40 
  9. Proposal and discussion on campaign content (voting) 18:40-18:55   
  10. Presentation on The National Union of Icelandic Students (LÍS) – Alexandra Ýr van Erven 18:55-19:10 
  11. Other issues 19:10-19:15  
  12. Meeting ends 19:15

Student Council Meeting on December 13th 2023

Agenda Student Council Meeting on December 13th 2023 in room VHV-007

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05 
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on November 14th 17:05-17:10
  3. Announcements and issues ahead 17:10-17:20 
  4. An encouragement of proactive observation on the registration fee to the Alþingi ombudsman (voting) 17:20-17:35 
  5. Legislative changes on SHÍ´s laws (voting) 17:35-17:50  
  6. Proposal and discussion on campaign content (voting)  17:50-18:05 
  7. Oktoberfest and Voffdays reports presented 18:05-18:15 

Hlé 18:15-18:25 


  1. Code of practice of the Student Council and the Student Council´s Ethics and Equality rules (voting) 18:25-18:40 
  2. An overview on important matters SHÍ  – Housing 18:40-18:55   
  3. Proposal for SHÍ´s statement regarding Palestine and Israel (voting) 18:55-19:05 
  4. Other issues 19:05-19:15  
  5. Recorded issues
  6. Meeting ends 19:15