Student Council Meeting on October 9th 2023

Agenda Student Council Meeting on October 9th 2023 in room HT 101

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05
  2. Legislative changes (voting) 17:05-18:25
  3. Other issues 18:25-18:30
  4. Meeting ends 18:30

Do you want to be a part of SHÍ’s committees?

Dear students, 


The Student Council committees are looking for their fifth member. These are the Amendments Committee, the International Affairs Committee, the Culture and Social Affairs Committee, the Family Affairs Committee, the Finance and Career Committee and the Transportation and Environmental Affairs Committee.


The application must include a brief introduction to yourself and previous experience that could be useful in the committee, what you are studying, and why you consider yourself to belong to the committee. Applications must be sent to the e-mail address


The application deadline for all committees is 23:59 on October 8th 2023.


Below you can see an overview of the committees’ activities, but further information can also be found at the Student Council’s website


The Culture and Social Affairs Committee

The Culture and Social Affairs Committee tasks are diverse since it is responsible for organising and managing various events within the University of Iceland. The committee puts a lot of effort into making fellow students happy, content, and pushes for good morale and cohesion of UI students.


The Finance and Career Committee

The Finance and Career Committee‘s main concerns are the employment of students and students‘ financial matters. The committee aims to create a relationship between students and the industry.


The Law Amendments Committee

The Law Amendments Committee revaluates and redrafts bills that student council members have presented to make sure they are in correspondence with the reevaluated laws.


The International Affairs Committee

The International Committee deals with cases concerning the interests of international students at the University of Iceland and the cases of Icelandic students abroad. It also manages a mentor project that gives Icelandic students and exchange students the opportunity to get to know each other. The committee works in collaboration with the International Office at the University of Iceland.


The Family Affairs Committee

The Family Affairs Committee main concerns are to work in the general interest and rights of students with families in the University of Iceland and the committee’s goal is to best support students who have children so that they can take care of both their education and family life. The committee organises numerous family-friendly events, such as lectures and the Student Council of University of Iceland’s Family Day, to name a few.


Transportation and Environmental Affairs Committee

The Student Council’s Transportation and Environmental Affairs Committee deals with environmental issues, including recycling, the University of Iceland’s sustainability policy, transport issues to the university campus and the FS buildings.

The fight for student rights delivers: Registration fees are not increased!

As stated in a government announcement, public universities will not get permission to increase registration fees as requested by the universities last december. The minister of higher education, science and innovation previously decided that the registration fee would not be increased during last spring´s parliament session. This was announced in the wake of the Student Council campaign from March this year, called “Stúdentar splæsa” [Students pay the bill], where the Student Council fought against the increase of registration fees. It is great news for students that public universities will not get permission to increase the registration fee.

The history of this fight dates almost a decade back when registration fees were increased from 60.000 ISK to 75.000 ISK in 2014. The increase was strongly protested by the Student Council, who also complained to the University Council and later to the Althingi Ombudsman. Over the last three years the fight has been intense and the Student Council has launched campaigns regarding the registration fee.

The matter once again caused debate in the school year of 2020-2021. At the University Council meeting on February 6th, 2020, a increase of the University of Iceland registration fee from 75.000 ISK to 104.000 ISK in 2020 and to 107.000 ISK in 2021 was discussed. In the wake of this discussion, the Student Council published a statement to protest the increase. In March 2020, the Student Council sent a formal complaint regarding the registration fees to the Althingi Ombudsman and later in the same month it was confirmed by then minister of education and culture that registration fees would not be increased.

Last December it was announced at a University Council meeting that the principals of public universities had sent a joint letter to Áslaug Arna, the minister responsible for university matters. In the letter they requested permission to increase the registration fee from 75.000 ISK to 95.000 ISK. This was strongly critisized by student representatives in the University Council in the meeting minutes. Following the meeting, the Student Council published a statement describing grave concerns regarding the funding of the University of Iceland as well as strong criticism of the principals´ request. This caused the Student Council campaign which took place in March 2023. The campaign concluded in a peaceful student protest outside of the Ministerial House (Ráðherrabústaður) on March 10th, during a government meeting. Rebekka Karlsdóttir, the then president of the Student Council delivered a letter to the prime minister and the minister of finance and economic affairs with the main points of the Council,  including questions to the ministers. This campaign was succesful and as stated above, the minister responsible for university matters announced that registration fees would not be increased in last spring´s parliamentary assembly and that university funding would be increased.

The registration fee is already too high!

In 2021 the Student Council launched a campaign called ,,Stúdentar eiga betra skilið” [Students deserve better]. The campaign focused on the economic certainty of students. In the campaign, the Student Council highlighted that registration fees were an additional burden on a social group that is already in a vulnerable position. The fact that it is not customary to pay burdensome fees to study at a university in the neighboring countries was also highlighted.

The Student Council celebrats the minister´s decision to not grant permission to increase the fee, but it must be emphasized that the fight is not over. Registration fees and other factors which add to the economic uncertainty of students is cause for concern. All future attempts to increase the fee will be met with full force by students. The Student Council has shown perseverance in protecting the interests of students and emphasizes the importance of students standing together in these matters.

But is the registration fee legal? 

Although the minister´s announcement is great news, it is important to consider the fact that the Student Council has continuously questioned the legality of charging students any amount in registration fees. The Student Council finds that registration fees for public universities does not comply with the Act on public higher education institutions. We therefore strongly encourage the minister to take a step further and start work to review registration fees with a view to reducing or abolishing them.

Student Council Meeting on September 20th 2023

Agenda Student Council Meeting on September 20th 2023 in room HT 103

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on August 22nd 17:05-17:10
  3. Remaining nominations for the Student Council’s schools and committees (voting) 17:10-17:15
  4. Announcements and issues ahead 17:15-17:30
  5. Presentation of the state of affairs in the statutory revision of the Act on the Students’ Education Fund – Gísli Laufeyjarson Höskuldsson, SHÍ Loan Fund representative 17:30-17:50
  6. SHÍ´s annual report 2022-2023 presented – Guðmundur Ásgeir Guðmundsson, SHÍ´s managing director 17:50-18:00
  7. Legislative changes (voting) 18:00-18:30
    Intermission 18:30-18:40
  8. Presentation of a survey on students’ financial situation – Katrín Björk Kristjánsdóttir and María Sól Antonsdóttir 18:40-18:55
  9. Vote on the Student Council’s committees implementation plans 18:55-19:20 
  10. Other issues 19:20-19:30
  11. Recorded issues
  12. Meeting ends 19:30


Student Council Meeting on August 22nd 2023

Agenda Student Council Meeting on August 22nd 2023 in room HT 104

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

    1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05
    2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on June 21st 17:05-17:10
    3. Announcements and issues ahead 17:10-17:30
    4. A memorandum on Oktoberfest 17:30-17:40
    5. Introduction to user-centered digital services from Guðný Benediktsdóttir 17:40-17:55
    6. Appointment of a student representative to the University Council’s Icelandic Language Committee, Science Committee as well as an observer in the Health and Safety Committee. 17:55-18:05
    7. Vote to the board of the Student Fund 18:05-18:15 
    8. Intermission 18:15-18:30
    9. Vote on the Student Council’s committees implementation plans 18:30-19:20  
    10. Other issues 19:20-19:25
    11. Meeting ends  19:25


Student representatives in the University Council committees

Dear students,

According to Article 21 of the Student Council’s Laws, the Student Council shall appoint student representatives to the committees of the University Council. We are looking for a student representative for the Icelandic Language Committee as well as an observer in the Health and Safety Committee. The period for the Icelandic Language Committee is one year and three years for the Health and Safety Committee. 


  • Interest in the work of the Student Council and students’ affairs 
  • Initiative and ability to work independently
  • Good communication skills
  • Active participation in the university community is an advantage
  • Knowledge of the administration of the University of Iceland is an advantage

The Student Council will elect the representatives to the committees at the council’s meeting on August 22. More information about the committee’s work can be found on the UI’s website

If you are interested, please send an email to before 23:59 on August 20th. The application must contain a CV, brief introduction of the applicant, a description of their interest and experience that they consider to be useful in the committee.

Students march with the Queer Student Association in Reykjavík Pride Parade

Q – Queer Student Association invites all students to join them in the Reykjavík Pride Parade, 12th of August.
This year the theme of the Queer Student Association is the shielding of queer students, representing Allies’ support for queer students. We encourage all those interested to register and join us. Everyone who plans to walk needs to register in this registration document here:

Appointment of the Októberfest Communications’ Officer

Skarphéðinn Finnbogason has been hired as the Student Council’s Októberfest Communications’ Officer 2023.

This is his second year, so he is experienced. He is deeply interested in marketing and event management and has worked on many big events. He is also experienced in social media marketing. We would like to wish him all the best in this new role and look forward to working with him!