The Student Council of UI signs a collaborative contract with Orkusalan

The Student Council of the University of Iceland and the electric utility company Orkusalan have once more signed a collaborative contract. This is the 15th consecutive year these two agree to a collaboration. Orkusalan has carbon-neutralized all its operation, and has a focus on clean and renewable energy for its customers. Moreover, Orkusalan offers students the best price for electricity. Therefore, the Student Council is proud of this collaboration as environmental issues and student benefits are two very important subjects of the Student Council.

Below you can see Guðmundur Ásgeir, the Managing Director of SHÍ, and Sigmundína Þorgrímsdóttir, Orkusalan’s Marketing Specialist, sign the contract.

The University of Iceland and the Student Council sign a contract

Jón Atli Benediktsson, Rector of the University of Iceland, and Rebekka Karlsdóttir, President of the Student Council, recently signed a contract between the University of Iceland and the Student Council regarding services to students at the University of Iceland.

The Student Council is very grateful for the collaboration, which enables the council to maintain good protection of interests for students at the University of Iceland.The President and the Rector also hold regular meetings to ensure good information flow and to discuss students’ emphases. The Council’s suggestions are well received in the many areas of the university’s operations.

The Student Council continues to hold the University of Iceland on its toes, as the main role of the Council is to be a driving force, and encourages staff and management to cultivate the collaboration with students even further so that together we can make a good university even better.

©Björn Gíslason
©Björn Gíslason 

The Student Fund opens for applications for its 1st allocation

You can now apply for grants in the first allocation of the Student fund here. Deadline is 14:00 pm October 24th. We encourage you to follow the instructions in the application form closely. Failure to meet the requirements of the application can result in the application being declined.

Before you apply, it is recommended that you read about the fund on the Student Council‘s website, especially the laws of the fund and the Code of Practice. Diagnostic and maintenance grants will not be allocated in this allocation.

Questions shall be directed to Dagný Þóra Óskarsdóttir, the fund’s chairperson. María can be reached by email at

Social Counselling for University Students

Recently, the University of Iceland’s Department of Social Work opened Social Counselling for University Students, which will provide counselling to university students and their families, regarding family issues, parenting, and communication. The goal is to train students in the professional qualification program in social work to provide professional advice and offer support to university students in difficulties they may be dealing with.

Selma Björk Hauksdóttir, Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Social Work, who is in charge of this new project has been working on the preparation of the project since this summer. Before that, the administrators of the Department of Social Work, the Student Council of the University of Iceland and the School’s Teaching Department had drafted the idea, which led to the grant to two year experimental project.

The service is free of charge and takes place at Aragata 9. Students can book an appointment with the University Student Social Services in Ugla, and you can also send inquiries via the email address

The Student Council welcomes the introduction of University Student Social Services and improved resources for students.

Do you want to participate in the work of Student Council’s Committees?

The Student Council committees are looking for their fifth member. These are the Amendments Committee, the International Affairs Committee, the Culture and Social Affairs Committee, the Equal Rights Committee, the Family Affairs Committee, the Finance and Career Committee and the Transportation and Environmental Affairs Committee.

The application must include a brief introduction to yourself and previous experience that could be useful in the committee, what you are studying, and why you consider yourself to belong to the committee. Applications must be sent to the e-mail address The application deadline is October 1st.

Below you can see an overview of the committees’ activities

The Culture and Social Affairs Committee

The Culture and Social Affairs Committee tasks are diverse since it is responsible for organizing and managing various events within the University of Iceland. The committee puts a lot of effort into making fellow students happy, content, and pushes for good morale and cohesion of UI students.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


The Equal Rights Committee

The committee safeguards matters at the Uni. of Iceland that are related to equality and it is unafraid to support students that face prejudice, harassment and discrimination. Together the committee puts pressure on that the Uni. of Iceland’s Equality Action Plan is followed and encourages the university to do better where there it is needed.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


The Finance and Career Committee

The Finance and Career Committee‘s main concerns are the employment of students and students‘ financial matters. The committee aims to create a relationship between students and the industry.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


The Law Amendments Committee

The Law Amendments Committee revaluates and redrafts bills that student council members have presented to make sure they are in correspondence with the reevaluated laws.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


The International Affairs Committee

The International Committee deals with cases concerning the interests of international students at the University of Iceland and the cases of Icelandic students abroad. It also manages a mentor project that gives Icelandic students and exchange students the opportunity to get to know each other. The committee works in collaboration with the International Office at the University of Iceland.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


The Family Affairs Committee

The Family Affairs Committee main concerns are to work in the general interest and rights of students with families in the University of Iceland and the committee’s goal is to best support students who have children so that they can take care of both their education and family life. The committee organizes numerous family-friendly events, such as lectures and the Student Council of University of Iceland’s Family Day, to name a few.

The application deadline is October 1st. 


Transportation and Environmental Affairs Committee

The Family Affairs Committee main concerns are to work in the general interest and rights of students with families in the University of Iceland and the committee’s goal is to best support students who have children so that they can take care of both their education and family life. The committee organizes numerous family-friendly events, such as lectures and the Student Council of University of Iceland’s Family Day, to name a few.

The application deadline is October 1st. 

Student Council Meeting on September 21st 2022

The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on September 21st at 17:00 in HT-102.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. Meeting begins 17:00
  2. Vote/approval on minutes from last meeting 17:00-17:05
  3.  Announcements and issues ahead 17:05-17:25
  4. Report on SHÍ’s Oktoberfest 2022 17:25-17:40
  5. The project “Góð kennsla” (presentation) 17:40-17:50
  6. The Student Council’s financial plan for 2022-2023 17:50-18:05
  7. Intermission 18:05-18:15
  8. Vote on the Student Council’s committees implementation plans 18:15-18:55
  9. Code of practice of the Student Council 18:55-19:05
  10. Other Issues 19:05-19:15
  11. Recorded issues

The meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Student Council Meeting on August 22nd 2022

The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on August 22nd in L-101 at 17:00.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. Meeting begins 17:00
  2. Vote/approval on minutes from last meeting17:00-17:05
  3.  Announcements and issues ahead 17:05-17:35
  4. University of Iceland’s policy for the period 2021-2026 (presentation and discussion) 17:35-18:15
  5. Vote to the board of the Student Fund – 18:15-18:20
  6. Intermission 18:20-18:30
  7. Vote on the Student Council’s committees implementation plans 18:30-19:20
  8. Vote on a proposal for Informational visits to the Student Council 19:20-19:25
  9. Other Issues 19:25-19:30
  10. Recorded issues

The meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Oktoberfest SHÍ 2022

Dear students,
After two years of waiting, it’s finally happening: SHÍ’s Oktoberfest will take place for the 18th time, on September 1.-3rd on the lot in front of the University of Iceland.

Pre-sale starts tomorrow, Tuesday August 9th at 12:00 on, and you can grab a ticket at a special pre-sale price here: 

Note that a limited number of tickets are available in advance, but after that the ticket will cost 9.990 ISK for university students and 12.900 ISK in general sales. It will also be possible to buy a beer card upon presentation of a valid ID.

Every university student can buy a ticket for the festival. The age limit for the festival is 20 years with the exception of showing your valid student card at the ticket desk, if you are under 20. The Student Council of the University of Iceland would like to emphasize that students under the age of 20 are not permitted to buy alcoholic beverages at the festival. 

 We’re looking forward to seeing you at Oktoberfest! 

Appointment of Októberfest communications’ officer 2022

Skarphéðinn Finnbogason has been hired as the Student Council’s Októberfest communications’ officer 2022!

Skarphéðinn is a 21 year old law student at the University of Iceland, alongside working on a diploma in events’ management at the University of Hólar. He works in Nova’s marketing division and as a manager for musicians.

He is deeply interested in marketing and events’ management and has worked on events such as yearly high-tides, launch parties, and concerts. Skarphéðinn is also experienced in social media marketing.

Skarphéðinn has a clear vision for the festival and sees a multitude of opportunities when it comes to the planning of Októberfest 2022. He is a member of the Student Council’s Culture and Social Events Committee and therefore has an insight into the Council’s operations and the importance of a varied social life on campus. We would like to wish Skarphéðinn all the best in this new role and look forward to working with him!

Would you like to work on planning Októberfest 2022?

The Student Council of the University of Iceland is advertising for an interested and hard-working individual to take on a part-time job for SHÍ. This is a 30% temporary position that is all about planning, marketing and implementation at Októberfest. The working period begins on July 25th and ends on September 15th. 

Main projects and areas of responsibility:

  • Communication with contractors
  • Supervision of marketing matters in consultation with SHÍ
  • General management of Októberfest by SHÍ
  • Summary and report after the festival

Qualification requirements:

  • Event management experience
  • Experience in marketing
  • Good communication skills, organizational skills and independent work methods
  • Interest and knowledge of the Student Council desirable

The individual is employed part-time for the period stated above. Further information about the job can be obtained from the Student Council’s Rights Office, tel. 570-0850 or at 

An introductory letter along with a curriculum vitae shall be sent by e-mail to the Council’s e-mail address: marked “Employee Októberfest SHÍ”. The application deadline is at 23:59 on 17 July 2022. Applications received later will not be considered.