
Would you like to work for the Student Paper?

Are you interested in working for the Student Paper this school year? The paper is looking for talented writers and others who wish to participate in writing articles, editing, translating, proofreading and taking photographs for the paper during the upcoming school year.

The Student Paper features articles and interviews concerning anything that might be related to student issues. It is published four times over the year, twice each term. The paper is written in the interests of students at the University of Iceland and it is therefore essential to achieve the greatest possible diversity of journalists and editorial team members. Working for the Student Paper is a great opportunity to gain experience in newspaper publishing and can prove to be a valuable experience in future employment. Please note that this is voluntary work only.

The Student Paper is looking for:

  1. Editorial members – Members of the editorial team meet weekly, plan the direction the paper is going to take along with the editor and write articles for the paper.
  2. Journalists – meet twice each semester and write articles for the paper of their own choice or articles assigned to them by the editorial team.
  3. Translators – are required to have a good knowledge of both English and Icelandic. The whole content of the paper is translated into English in accordance with the Student Paper’s policy, which implies having a strong team of translators.
  4. Proofreaders – must have excellent skills in English. Proofreaders will proofread articles and give comments regarding grammar, spelling or phrasing.
  5. Photographers – takes pictures for articles and interviews. The pictures will be published both in the paper and on the Student Paper’s website. Photographers must be flexible and should own or have access to a good camera.

The Student Paper is intended to give a voice to all students at the University of Iceland and students from every department are therefore encouraged to apply by sending an email to the Student Paper’s address before August 15. Please enclose a cover letter and examples of your writing if applying as a journalist.

Would you like to work on planning Októberfest 2023?

The Student Council of the University of Iceland is advertising for an interested and hard-working individual to take on a part-time job for SHÍ. This is a 30% temporary position that is all about planning, marketing and implementation at Októberfest. The working period begins on July 24th and ends on September 15th. 


Main projects and areas of responsibility:

  • Communication with contractors
  • Supervision of marketing matters in consultation with SHÍ
  • General management of Októberfest by SHÍ
  • Summary and report after the festival

Qualification requirements:

  • Event management experience
  • Experience in marketing
  • Good communication skills, organizational skills and independent work methods
  • Interest and knowledge of the Student Council desirable

The individual is employed part-time for the period stated above. Further information about the job can be obtained from the Student Council’s Rights Office, tel. 570-0850 or at 


An introductory letter along with a curriculum vitae shall be sent by e-mail to the Council’s email address: marked “Employee Októberfest SHÍ”. The application deadline is at 23:59 on 16 July 2023. Applications received later will not be considered.

Student Council Meeting on June 21st 2023

Agenda Student Council Meeting on May 23rd 2023 in room VHV-007.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. The President of the Student Council convenes the meeting 17:00-17:05
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on May 23rd. 17:05-17:10
  3. Remaining nominations for the Student Council’s schools and committees (voting)17:10-17:15
  4. Announcements and issues ahead 17:15-17:25
  5. Presentation on the Strategy of the University of Iceland 2021-2026 from Steinunn Gestsdóttir 17:25 – 17:40
  6. Intermission 17:40 – 17:50
  7. Introduction to user-centered digital services from Guðný Benediktsdóttir 17:50 – 18:05
  8. Presentation and discussion on lowering the voting age with LUF – The National Youth Council of Iceland 18:05-18:30
  9. Other issues 18:30-18:45
  10. Meeting ends 18:45

The meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Appointment of International Officer and Editor at the Student Council’s office

Nana-Kirstine Bruhn Rasmussen and Jean-Rémi Chareyre have been added to the group of staff at the Student Council’s rights office.

Nana has been hired as the Student Council’s new International Officer. She is 26 years old and studying Icelandic as a Second Language at the University of Iceland, she has previously completed a bachelor´s and a master´s degree in law from the University of Southern Denmark. Nana has previously worked with diplomacy and international law at the Danish embassy in Reykjavík and in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She has experience as both an exchange and an international student in Iceland and is looking forward to working with, and protecting the interests, of international students at the University of Iceland.

Jean-Rémi Chareyre has been hired as the new editor at the Student Council of the University of Iceland. He is 37 years old and currently doing a master’s degree in Literature, Culture and Media at the University of Iceland. He has previously completed a master’s degree in English from the University of Stendahl in Grenoble in France. Jean-Rémi has previously worked with journalism at Heimildin as well as in tourism and teaching. He is interested in the community within the university as well as issues concerning students and their rights.

It is also our pleasure to announce that Guðmundur Ásgeir Guðmundsson has been rehired as the managing director of the Student Council, we look forward to keep working with him!

We congratulate them on their new roles and look forward to working with them for the betterment of students!

The Student Council of the University of Iceland is looking for student representatives for the board of the Icelandic Student Services

Students have three representatives on the board of the Icelandic Student Services, the term of office being two years at a time. The last time the board was appointed was in 2021, so it’s time to do it again. According to a regulation for the Icelandic Student Services at the University of Iceland, the board consists of five individuals: the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture appoints one main representative and a vice-representative, the University Council appoints one main representative and a vice-representative and the Student Council appoints three main representatives and three vice-representatives.


Qualification requirements

  • Interest in the workings of the Student Council and students’ affairs.
  • Experience of student advocacy is an advantage
  • Active participation in the university community is an advantage
  • Knowledge of the administration of the University of Iceland is an advantage
  • Good social skills
  • Ability to express oneself in speech and writing in Icelandic


It is expected that applicants do not study at the University of Iceland during the appointment period and will care about the interests of students and the Icelandic Student Services.


A cover letter together with a résumé and recommendations shall be sent via email to According to Article 7 of the Student Councils Law, each representative together with a vice-representative shall be elected together, and therefore applicants are asked to nominate their vice-representative in the application. The deadline is until 23:59 June 11th 2023.  Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

Student Council Meeting on May 23rd 2023

The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on May 23rd in HT-101.

According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.

Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.

Meeting agenda

  1. Meeting begins 17:00
  2. Vote on minutes from the Student Council meeting on March 8th (vote) 17:05-17:10
  3. Annual financial statement of the Student Council 2022-2023 17:10-17:20
  4. Annual report of the Student Council 2022-2023 17:20 – 17:40
  5. Proposal for the Student Council’s formal action plan for the rector’s election (vote) 17:40-17:45
  6. Recorded issues
  7. The new Student Council 2023-2024 takes over 17:45-17:50
  8. Vote on minutes from the Election Meeting (vote) 17:50-17:55
  9. Practical information for new Student Council members (vote) 17:55-18:15
  10. Intermission 18:15 – 18:25
  11. Remaining nominations for the Student Council’s schools and committees (vote) 18:25-18:30
  12. Presentation from a former Student Council member – “What I would have liked to know a year ago” 18:30-18:40
  13. General inquiries by new Student Council members 18:40-18:50
  14. Other issues 18:50 – 19:05

The meeting takes place in Icelandic.

Matarspor is up in Háma at Háskólatorg

The Student council celebrates! Matarspor is up in Háma at Háskólatorg!

The Student Council initiated the project, but Inga Huld, a Student council member at the time,  submitted a proposal at a Student Council meeting in January 2022 that the Student Council would push for Matarspor to be implemented at HÍ, which was well received by the school authorities and Félagsstofnun Stúdenta who were in charge the implementation.

The carbon footprint is calculated for the hot meals and soups in Háma and it is put into context with how far a passenger car would have to be driven to release the same amount of greenhouse gases. It is easy to see the difference since there is always one meal and one soup vegan in Hámu. The next steps are to publish the information on Ugla so that people across campus can see the information.

The Student Council celebrates that this idea has become a reality and encourages students and staff to familiarize themselves with the carbon footprint before choosing a meal.

You can read more about Matarspor here: 


Extended application deadline for the postion of Editor

The Student Council of the University of Iceland has extended the application deadline for the position of Editor of the Student Paper for the school year 2023 – 2024. 

The Editor of the Student Paper oversees the publication of the student handbook (Akademían), which is published at the beginning of each school year, as well as the Student Paper (Stúdentablaðið) which is published four times per school year, two issues each semester. Further timing on each issue depends on the decision of the Editor and the Student Council’s office. The Editor appoints an editorial board and directs its work. He is also responsible for publishing material from the Student Paper its website and is responsible for distributing the paper.

The Editor assists with the collection of advertisements for the paper as the Managing director oversees the operation of the newspaper.

  • Knowledge and interest in student affairs
  • Experience in media and publishing
  • Experience in graphic design is an advantage
  • Good general computer skills
  • Knowledge of web management is an advantage
  • Good knowledge of both Icelandic and English
  • Initiative and ability to work independently
  • Willingness and ability to work with Student Council members, the Student Council office and other stakeholders
  • Other education and experience relevant to the position

The Editor is hired for a 20% work rate during the period June 1st 2023 to September 1st 2023, with an increase to 30% from September 1st 2023 to May 31st 2024. Working hours can be flexible by agreement. For further information regarding the role please contact the current Editor of Stúdentablaðið, at the e-mail address

A cover letter, CV and recommendations should be sent via email to with the subject “Editor 2023-2024”. In addition, it is desirable that the applicant’s view of Stúdentablaðið and ideas for publications are included, as well as a sample of his work if the person in question has previously worked as a writer. The application deadline is 7th of May, 2023.


Positions of International Officer and Editor 2023-2024

The Student Council of the University of Iceland is looking for an International Officer and an Editor for the Student Paper for the term 2023 – 2024.

The Student Council office has four elected representatives; president, vice-president, interest representative and a loan fund representative who were elected at the council’s last election meeting. Wednesday. The office also employs a Manager, the Editor for the Student Paper and an International officer.

The deadline for both positions is until midnight May 1st 2023. Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.

International Officer

The International Officer will oversee services provided for international students with the aim of protecting their interests, helping them become active participants in the University community, answering their requests and questions and providing other assistance. The International Officer is a confidant for international students at the University and shall be able to provide telephone and email assistance as needed. The International Officer will also participate in the day-to-day operations of the Student Council Office in cooperation with the president of the Student Council.

The International Officer also works as the representative of students in the Aurora European Universities Network and Alliance. There they will supervise projects in cooperation with the Aurora contacts within the University of Iceland and help with any projects they are assigned to. They will also oversee preparation for conferences and other events related to Aurora, and participate as is seen fit.

  • Initiative and ability to work independently
  • Excellent social skills
  • Strong communication skills, both verbally and in written text, in both Icelandic and English
  • Interest in the work of the Student Council and students’ affairs in addition to being an active member of the University community.
  • Experience in event planning or organizing is an advantage
  • International experience is an advantage
  • Knowledge of the administration of the University of Iceland is an advantage
  • Knowledge of the Aurora Network is an advantage
  • Other language knowledge is an advantage

The Student Council’s International Officer is a 50% position available for one year with the possibility of extended employment. Applicants must be able to begin work on June 1st 2023. For further information regarding the role, contact the current International Officer Alma Ágústsdóttir via the email or the Student Council at

A cover letter, resume and list of references should be sent via email to with the subject heading ‘’SHÍ International Officer 2023-2024.’’

Editor of the Student Paper

The Editor of the Student Paper oversees the publication of the student handbook (Akademían), which is published at the beginning of each school year, as well as the Student Paper (Stúdentablaðið) which is published four times per school year, two issues each semester. Further timing on each issue depends on the decision of the Editor and the Student Council’s office. The Editor appoints an editorial board and directs its work. He is also responsible for publishing material from the Student Paper its website and is responsible for distributing the paper.

The Editor assists with the collection of advertisements for the paper as the Managing director oversees the operation of the newspaper.

  • Knowledge and interest in student affairs
  • Experience in media and publishing
  • Experience in graphic design is an advantage
  • Good general computer skills
  • Knowledge of web management is an advantage
  • Good knowledge of both Icelandic and English
  • Initiative and ability to work independently
  • Willingness and ability to work with Student Council members, the Student Council office and other stakeholders
  • Other education and experience relevant to the position

The Editor is hired for a 20% work rate during the period June 1st 2023 to September 1st 2023, with an increase to 30% from September 1st 2023 to May 31st 2024. Working hours can be flexible by agreement. For further information regarding the role please contact the current Editor of Stúdentablaðið, at the e-mail address

A cover letter, CV and recommendations should be sent via email to with the subject “Editor 2023-2024”. In addition, it is desirable that the applicant’s view of Stúdentablaðið and ideas for publications are included, as well as a sample of his work if the person in question has previously worked as a writer.