The Student Council’s School of Activities – Spring of 2024
The Student Council of The University of the Iceland hosts an activity school for children of HÍ-students born between 2019-2023. The sessions take place in the University’s gym at Sæmundargata (next to HT) next Saturdays, and each session is 40 minutes. The School of Activities starts Saturday, 3rd of February and it assumed there will be a total of 8 sessions.The children are divided into two groups depending on their age – maximum occupancy is 20 children for each group. The younger group (2022, 2023) 8:45 – 9:25, and older group (2019-2021) 9:30 – 10:10. Light refreshments will be offered at the end of each session sponsored by Holle. *Note that all children must be registered to participate.
Click here to register a child for SHÍ’s School of Activities 2024
The goal of SHÍ’s Schools of Activities is to give children a platform to improve their exercising abilities, coordination, and well-being. Obstacle courses are a big part of the curriculum, and there is an emphasis on teamwork, consideration, and social growth.
Price per child is 3.500ISK, but there is a 500ISK sibling-discount – price for 2 siblings would, therefore, be 6.500ISK. If siblings fall into different age groups, it is possible to request that the younger child participates with the older group.
Parents are active during sessions by assisting their children. With that, they receive an important opportunity to get to know their children even better in unusual situations. Instructions on how to pay will be sent out shortly after the registration is approved. We will approve registrations via email. Registrations will be handled in the order that they arrive. If there is full occupancy, registrations will be put on a waiting list.
If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through mail – – or through a message on Facebook (Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands).
You can now apply for grants in the third allocation of the Student Fund 2022-2023.
The application form can be foundhereand we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the fund, especially its laws andcode of practice before applying. The application deadline is until 12:00pm on Monday February 13th 2023. Late applications will automatically be turned away.
Example of grants you can apply for now; International collaboration or domestic collaboration among university students, Informative and discussion sparking events within the University and Solid grants for all study associations.
ATTN. subsistence grants and grants for diagnosis will be allocated in the next allocation.
Any questions can be directed to Dagný Þóra Óskarsdóttir, the fund’s chairperson. She can be reached by email at
Aurora is a long-term cooperation of 10 universities that set out with the goal of increasing and deepening cross-disciplinary cooperation within higher education in Europe.
Aurora offers students a variety of opportunities, for example open workshops and projects such as hackathons and seminars that are advertised on social media and through mass emails, shorter and longer courses at other Aurora universities where the credits gained count towards your degree at your home university, and cooperative projects spanning an entire academic year, such as the Student Schemes. In addition to all that, the Aurora Student Council is continuously working on cooperative projects.
The universities that take part in the cooperation alongside the University of Iceland are located in Spain, Italy, France, England, Czechia, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Denmark.
The Aurora Network was originally formed because of the universities’ mutual goals and longing to cooperate but has, in the last few years, received funding from the European Commission as the Aurora Alliance; one of 44 university alliances funded through a project titled the European Universities initiative.
The last semester was eventful, to say the least, and it is therefore suitable to finish the first month of a new year by wrapping up a few of the projects students worked on in the autumn semester of 2022.
At the start of last semester Aurora advertised for students who wanted to get involved in the Student Schemes. In total, we received over 100 applications from students at Aurora universities. From the University of Iceland, 25 students signed up as either an Ambassador or Champion.
One of the largest projects Aurora has undertaken in the past few months has been the writing of a bid for continued funding and students have been involved in that work since the very beginning.
That work started last summer and, as the President of the Aurora Student Council, I had a seat on the so-called Editorial Committee that met regularly and laid the groundwork for the new application.
In September, Institutional Coordinators of all 10 universities gathered in Copenhagen Business School and spent two days deciding Aurora’s emphases and projects for the next four years. Two student representatives took part in that work, the President and Vice President of the Aurora Student Council, Alma Ágústsdóttir from the University of Iceland and Hanus Patera from Palacký University Olomouc.
We worked continuously on the proposal after that but the next large-scale project wasn’t until November when the Student Council met in Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. We had two days of meetings to collect student emphases and then presented them to the Vice Rectors of all the Aurora universities.
The students representing the University of Iceland were Alma Ágústsdóttir, the International Officer of the Student Council of the University of Iceland, and Rebekka Karlsdóttir, the President of the Student Council of the University of Iceland.
The Aurora Student Council in Amsterdam
One of the students’ main emphases was that each university would work towards having a paid student position. This is because they believed the workload of those students who take on the most responsibility for Aurora exceeds what can be expected of a volunteer. Such a position would also increase equality, diversity, and inclusion since some students’ economic position makes them unable to take on volunteer work alongside their studies, regardless of their interest in the work. The new position of Student Coordinator would ensure that each university has a fully engaged student, responsible for lending support to other students who do work on behalf of Aurora, assist with marketing at an institutional level and sit on the Student Council, among other responsibilities.
This endeavour was successful and the position of Student Coordinator was included in the new application for continued funding, that Aurora submitted on January 30th.
In November Aurora also held a virtual Biannual conference, hosted by Universität Duisburg-Essen. There, the Student Council organised a World Café event on mental health (which is the Council’s emphasis for this academic year) titled Mental Health: Sharing Best Practices. There, students, professors and staff of Aurora universities gathered to identify which mental health support efforts were successful, where support is lacking and how we can do better. This event enabled people to learn from each other on a cross-institutional level. At the World Café’s conclusion the Student Council gathered the results and, building on those results, we will continue to work on increased mental health support throughout the course of this semester.
In December, Palacký University Olomouc in Czechia hosted a conference titled European Universities – Future of Higher Education Forum where several alliances, funded through the European Universities initiative, gathered to discuss the future of European universities. There I spoke on student participation within governance and discussed how we may employ the power of students to the fullest.
Alma Ágústsdóttir explaining student participation in Aurora’s governance
The rectors of all 10 Aurora universities also gathered in Amsterdam in December to approve all that was included in Aurora’s new bid and, as the Student Council President, I sat that meeting on behalf of students.
Since then the planning of Aurora’s work for the next four years has continued, culminating in the handing in of the application yesterday, on January 30th. Having been a part of that work since its beginning I feel confident in saying that the future of Aurora is bright!
If you are interested in international cooperation and want to know more about Aurora, I encourage you to check out our website.
Here you can see all Aurora courses currently open to applicants. If you want to take part in forming the universities’ policies and continued work in certain sectors such as sustainability, digitalisation and teaching, you can still register as an Ambassador or Champion here. If you want to stay up to date on open opportunities and the work of the Student Council you can follow us on Instagram.
The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on January 19th in classroom HT-101 at 17:00.
According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.
Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.
Meeting agenda
Meeting begins 17:00
Vote/approval on minutes from last meeting 17:00 – 17:05
Announcements and issues ahead 17:05 – 17:25
Presentation of the project Student Refugees Iceland 17:20 – 17:35
The Student Council’s financial plan for 2022-2023 17:35 – 17:50
Tillaga um herferð Stúdentaráðs (vote) 17:50 – 18:00
Intermission 18:00 – 18:10
Legislative amendments to the Student Council’s Law (Vote) 18:15 – 18:50
Propasal regardingLGBTQ+ education at the School of Health Sciences (Vote) 18:50 – 19:00
Propasal regarding allocation rules at the Student housing (Vote) 19:00 – 19:10
The Student Council’s nomination for Iceland’s Youth Representative to the United Nations in the field of education, science and culture (Vote) 19:10 – 19:20
The deadline to apply for Student loans for the spring semester of 2023 is the 15th of January. For further information please see: Further information can also be found on the home page of Menntasjóður námsmanna:
The Student Loan Representative of SHÍ, María Sól Antonsdóttir, provides further information on application procedure and student loans ion general.
The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on December 15th in classroom HT-101 at 17:00.
According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.
Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.
Meeting agenda
Meeting begins 17:00
Vote/approval on minutes from last meeting 17:00 – 17:05
Announcements and issues ahead 17:05 – 17:25
Funding of the University of Iceland 17:25 – 17:45
Presentation of the National Association of Icelandic Students 17:45 – 18:05
Intermission 18:05 – 18:15
Proposal regarding ensured days off for students (Vote) 18:15 – 18:25
Proposal regarding increased services in Háma at Eirberg, Lækngard and Stakkahlíð (Vote) 18:25 – 18:35
You can now apply for grants in the second allocation of the Student Fund.
The application form can be found hereand we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the fund, especially its laws andcode of practice before applying. The application deadline is until 10:00am on December 19th 2022. Late applications will automatically be turned away.
Diagnostic and maintenance grants will be granted in this allocation.
Any questions can be directed to Dagný Þóra Óskarsdóttir, the fund’s chairperson. She can be reached by email at
Students had 10 representatives, and two representatives from the University Council, at the University Congress that took place on Friday, November 18.
At the meeting, the sustainability priorities of the University of Iceland’s strategy 2021-2026, HÍ26, were discussed and the University of Iceland’s first sustainability report was presented. Planning, construction and transportation on the university campus were also discussed and the area’s development plan was reviewed.
The Student Council is pleased with the matters of the meeting, as they are close to the students’ minds and play an important role in the Student Council’s vision for the campus. The U-pass has been an important issue for the Student Council for years, and therefore the plan for its implementation is truly something to celebrate, as are the plans for the construction of bicycle shelters at the university campus.
The Student Council will continue to push for sustainability and planning issues to be addressed with the goal of a more sustainable university community.
The Student Council’s next meeting will be held on November 16th in classroom H-205 (Stakkahlíð) at 17:00.
According to paragraph 9 of the Student Council’s laws, the Council’s meetings are open to all students at the University of Iceland. Students who are not members of the Student Council may therefore attend meetings and listen to discussions within the Council.
Please contact the office of the Student Council at if you have any questions regarding the meeting or the agenda. Furthermore, all students are welcome to contact the office with inquiries about their rights.
Meeting agenda
Meeting begins 17:00
Vote/approval on minutes from last meeting 17:00 – 17:05
Announcements and issues ahead 17:05 – 17:30
Nominations to the electoral board17:30 – 17:45
SHÍ’s emphasis in relation to the revision of the Act on the Student Education Fund (Vote) 17:45 – 18:05
Intermission 18:05 – 18:15
Proposal for peer support at the student housing (Vote) 18:15 – 18:25
Proposal regarding use of personal pronouns on Canvas (Vote) 18:25 – 18:35
Proposal for targeted work to increase voter participation to the Student- and University Council (Vote)18:35-18:45
Finally! The Student Council’s School of Activities is back after a long break.
The Student Council’s School of Activities – Fall of 2022
The Student Council of The University of the Iceland hosts an activity school for children of HÍ-students born between 2017-2021. The sessions take place in the University’s gym at Sæmundargata (next to HT) next Saturdays, and each session is 40 minutes. The School of Activities starts Saturday, 29th of October with a free trial* and ends 26th of November. Consequently, there will be 5 sessions in total. The children are divided into three groups depending on their age – maximum occupancy is 30 children for each group. The first group (2020, 2021) 8:45 – 9:25, second group (2018, 2019) 9:30 – 10:10, and the third group ( 2017) 10:15 – 10:55. Light refreshments will be offered at the end of each session. *Note that all children must be registered for the free trial session (if the available spaces are filled for the trial session, children signed up for the whole package will be prioritized).
Click here to register a child for SHÍ’s School of Activities 2022
The goal of SHÍ’s Schools of Activities is to give children a platform to improve their exercising abilities, coordination, and well-being. Games and obstacle courses are a big part of the curriculum, and there is an emphasis on teamwork, consideration, and social growth.
The teacher is Alda Ólafsdóttir, who is working on her Master’s degree in sports science.
Price per child is 3.500ISK, but there is a 500ISK sibling-discount for each sibling registered – price for 2 siblings would, therefore, be 6.000ISK. Customers of Landsbankinn receive a 1.500ISK discount and will, therefore, only pay 2.000ISK per child, if they pay via bank transfer from an account from Landsbankinn. It is not possible to receive both the Landsbanka- and the sibling discount simultaneously.
Parents are active during sessions by assisting their children. With that, they receive an important opportunity to get to know their children even better in unusual situations. Instructions on how to pay will be sent out shortly after the registration is approved.
If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us through mail – – or through a message on Facebook (Stúdentaráð Háskóla Íslands).